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Friday 9 June 2017

Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino broke the law with Tweet


White House social media director, "Dan Scavino" broke law when he lambasted Congressman on social media. Special Counsel Office said today. Scavino tweeted In April 2017, that House of Republican Justin Amash “is a big liability,” and he encouraged Donald Trump supporters to defeat Amash in primary vote.

.@realDonaldTrump is bringing auto plant and jobs back to Michigan. @justinamash is big liability.#TrumpTrain, defeat him in primary.

— Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) April 1, 2017

Some observers suggested tweet, although innocuous by some of examples from current administration, may have violated law called "Hatch Act". The act, from 1939 bars officials government from using their positions for the purposes of campaigning. According to the complaint filed with White House Office of the Special Counsel by left-leaning watchdog group Citizen peoples for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington DC, Scavino’s tweet crossed line.

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There was some questions, how law should be applied in digital age. This tweet was psoted on Saturday, from personal account,

In its response to the CREW, the White House Special Counsel’s Chief of Hatch Act claim that it was violation of law & the office also said that warning is already sent to Dan Scavino.
The office also said that there is nothing found any other violations on Dan Scavino’s account, but if it does, that activity will consider to be a violation of the law.”

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