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Wednesday 29 March 2017

Pakistan skipper tells why India do not want to play with Pakistan


One of the fundamental reasons of India not playing cricket with Pakistan, is that they may be startled of losing, Pakistani Captain Sarfaraz Ahmed has said that including that Pakistan has constantly led the pack in reestablishing cricket ties with them. 

Pakistan skipper tells why India do not want to play with them,  why India do not want to play with pakistan,. Pakistan skipper tells why India do not want to play with Pakista,.  One of the fundamental reasons of India not playing cricket with Pakistan, is that they may be startled of losing, Pakistani Captain Sarfaraz Ahmed has said that including that Pakistan has constantly led the pack in reestablishing cricket ties with them.  pakistan, india, cricket, sports

The Indian cricket board has looked for their administration's gesture for having a reciprocal arrangement with Pakistan. Last time they played a Test was in 2007. 

While conversing with India media, he said that New Dehli ought to show energy and step forward and continue cricket. It has dependably been a delight to play against India, yet it shows up as they are terrified. 

Read more: India beat Aussies in fourth Test, clinch series 2017

The captain likewise said that, Kamran Akmal has come back to the group and we have no issues playing together. Pakistan group is in West Indies these days playing a 4-coordinate T20 arrangement.
Via: thenews

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